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Nutrition Mythbusters!

There is an overwhelming amount of misinformation in the media. Contradictory nutrition information can become very confusing to determine advice is trustworthy and representative of evidence based research. I have collected a few of the most common nutrition myths that I have heard in hopes of providing some clarification on these topics!


Myth: Don’t eat after 6 PM 

  • The time we eat has less of an impact on our weight than the portion sizes of our meals and our activity levels in the evening. Consuming excess calories at any time of day can lead to weight gain. Eating at night may cause weight gain if you eat more sweets foods or calorie dense snacks. Mindless snacking in the evening out of boredom when we are not truly hungry is another common culprit of weight gain. If you have a healthy meal or snack later at night when you feel hungry, it will likely not cause weight gain. A short walk or household chores after a meal will stabilize our blood sugar much more quickly than being completely sedentary! 

Myth: Don’t eat fruit, especially as a diabetic.

  • While fruit does contain natural sugar, it also contains a great source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Fruits with more fiber (think seeds & skins on fruits) will not cause a blood sugar spike like other carbohydrates such as refined, processed carbohydrates with added sugars. Eating fruit paired along with protein and healthy fats can help to stabilize blood sugar levels.

Myth: Eggs increase your cholesterol.

  • The dietary cholesterol in a food item will not have a significant effect on blood cholesterol levels. To help control cholesterol levels, pay attention to saturated fat intake. Eggs are a nutrient-dense source of protein, and eating eggs multiple times a week will not raise your cholesterol. 

Myth: Coconut oil is better for you than most other oils. 

  • Coconut oil is actually 92% saturated fat! Coconut oil in large quantities has been shown to increase LDL cholesterol levels. A better substitute would be avocado oil or extra virgin olive oil. Avocado oil has a high smoke point, which is great for cooking at high temperatures. 

Myth: BMI tells us what weight is healthiest.

  • BMI is not a great indicator of health! This is because BMI does not take into account lean body mass and fat mass. BMI also fails to differentiate between gender or age, which does not count for the difference in body composition. Individualizing your goals based on your personal health can be more impactful than basing your health on BMI. 

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